Starting October 1st, Online Tickets for All Art Facilities on Naoshima, Teshima, and Inujima. Please check here for more details.
Benesse Art Site Naoshima
Benesse Art Site Naoshima

Guided Tour Information for Inujima Art Facilities

Photo:Daici Ano

We will guide you to the art facilities on Inujima (in the ticketed areas) based on your interests. Please select one of the following three courses.

*Guide offered in Japanese only. If you would like information in languages other than Japanese, please organize an interpreter.

Program Contents ①Inujima Seirensho Art Museum(Including Heritage of Industrial Modernization Area)
This museum was created to preserve and revitalize the site of a copper smelter that was in operation approximately 100 years ago (Heritage of Industrial Modernization). We will guide you through the four elements that make up the museum: "heritage, architecture, environment, and art," one by one.
Recommended for:
・Visitors who want to see the main spots of Inujima first
・Those who are interested in the history of modernization and social issues

*There are steep stairs in part of Heritage of Industrial Modernization Area.
*Please note that there are spaces in the museum with dimmed lighting due to the nature of the works. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

②Inujima "Art House Project"(All facilities)
The artworks, inspired by the nature, landscape, and history of the island, are showcased in buildings that were once private houses. We will guide you through the concept of each of the 8 facilities, along with familiar stories about the island.
Recommended for:
・Those who wish to view many artworks
・Those who want to experience"seeing, talking, and thinking" about artworks using all five senses.

③Inujima Seirensho Art Museum(Inside a museum)+Inujima "Art House Project" F-Art House
We will guide you through the specific highlights of each art facility.
Recommended for:
・Those who want to explore Inujima efficiently.
・Those who prefer a flat, easy-to-walk route.
Fee The regular admission fee + 4,180 yen per group (up to 15 people)
Time Required Approximately 60 minutes
*Guide offered in Japanese only. If you would like information in languages other than Japanese, please organize an interpreter.
*The time required may increase by 30 minutes due to the interpreter's interpretation.
Capacity Up to 15 people
Reservation Deadline One week in advance
Time Slots ①10:30~11:30

Please note that time slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We accept one reservation per time slot.
For groups of more than 16 people, please book more than one time slot.
For groups of 9 or more, please use the group reservation form.
Program Contents
①Inujima Seirensho Art Museum(Including Heritage of Industrial Modernization Area)
This museum was created to preserve and revitalize the site of a copper smelter that was in operation approximately 100 years ago (Heritage of Industrial Modernization). We will guide you through the four elements that make up the museum: "heritage, architecture, environment, and art," one by one.
Recommended for:
・Visitors who want to see the main spots of Inujima first
・Those who are interested in the history of modernization and social issues

*There are steep stairs in part of Heritage of Industrial Modernization Area.
*Please note that there are spaces in the museum with dimmed lighting due to the nature of the works. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

②Inujima "Art House Project"(All facilities)
The artworks, inspired by the nature, landscape, and history of the island, are showcased in buildings that were once private houses. We will guide you through the concept of each of the 8 facilities, along with familiar stories about the island.
Recommended for:
・Those who wish to view many artworks
・Those who want to experience"seeing, talking, and thinking" about artworks using all five senses.

③Inujima Seirensho Art Museum(Inside a museum)+Inujima "Art House Project" F-Art House
We will guide you through the specific highlights of each art facility.
Recommended for:
・Those who want to explore Inujima efficiently.
・Those who prefer a flat, easy-to-walk route.
The regular admission fee + 4,180 yen per group (up to 15 people)
Time Required
Time Required
Approximately 60 minutes
*Guide offered in Japanese only. If you would like information in languages other than Japanese, please organize an interpreter.
*The time required may increase by 30 minutes due to the interpreter's interpretation.
Reservation Deadline
One week in advance
Time Slots

Please note that time slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We accept one reservation per time slot.
For groups of more than 15 people, please book more than one time slot.
For groups of 9 or more, please use the group reservation form.

Inujima Ticket Center (086-947-1112 / 9:00-17:00, excluding closed day)
For web inquiries, click here